

Have you noticed the amount of Valentine’s Day advertising around you? Quick fact: Valentine’s Day is the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas.

It is wonderful we have a day reminding us to express our love but do not let this be confined to one day. Also, DO NOT FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF. We do not need to rely on others to feel loved. Compassion, respect, and positivity increase in our lives when we treat ourselves and others with love. There is enough negativity in the world – let us focus on adding positivity.

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.”
– Malcolm S. Forbes

Here is a list of self-love activities: 20 Ways to Show Yourself Some Love (and Feel Amazing)

Lastly, our sense of self-love is taught to us from the time we are children. So, do not forget about the kiddos! Try having them list 1 thing they love about themselves, 2 fun things about themselves, 3 ways they show kindness to others, 4 positive qualities they have, and 5 things they did well this week.


LoveSmart: Transforming the Emotional Patterns That Sabotoge Relationships

“When we throw responsibility for our behaviors and feelings onto someone else, we place ourselves at the mercy of that person.  How can you be free if your partner or anyone else is responsible for your misery?  Unless the other person changes or sets you free, you remain a victim of his or her whims or actions.  This manner of passing off your emotional problems accounts for much of the relationship theatricals we experience.  We struggle vehemently against our partner, unaware that we are struggling against ourselves.  For how we feel toward our partner is a reflection of how we feel toward ourselves.”

Sandra Michaelson


Ways to Become a Better Partner

Relationships change over time.  It takes the effort of both people to maintain and improve a relationship.  Here are Seven Ways You Can Be a Better Partner including taking action by expressing positivity, understanding, and giving assurance.  This article focuses on romantic relationships, but most of these ideas can be applied to other relationships (familial or friendly) as well.


Healthy Relationships

“There’s no perfect method or algorithm for choosing a mate, but (according to the elders) taking a step back and asking these three questions about your relationship can help you avoid a mistake—or help you move toward a long, fulfilling life together.”  

Wisdom from long-married couples, for those just starting out.

50 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships